Exam success!



As Gale Force prepare to launch their new CD and begin 20 year celebrations the latest results from their exams have been received with shouts of joy!! All over the IOM!!

From a total of 30 who took exams last weekend 18 got Distinction which is 90% and all the others got a Merit Plus which is 80% so how fantastic is that??

Among the students aged 6 to two gentlemen over 60, there has been such delight at such a high standard of achievement and in the words of Adjudicator Mr Tony Eyres, who travelled to the Island especially, Mrs Barbara Gale their tutor is to be highly congratulated on presenting to him such a high standard of work from the smallest to the biggest!!

Mrs Gale is particularly delighted as Jacques Lakeman, Moira Pain and Alwyn Major attempted syllabus not before attempted by any of the Gale Force students and so it was a ‘trip into the unknown’ and yet they all did so well, she is not surprisingly delighted.

After the Half Term break the work begins in earnest for the CD launch, the Guild and the next set of exams in March! When a further set of 30 students will be attempting to do as well!

Mrs Barbara Gale formed Gale Force Theatre School in 1989. After winning her first Cleveland Medal in 1988, Barbara wanted other young people to have opportunities and skills that she had been given since she was a young singer and to try and give them a chance to do some of the things she had done in the music and drama world.

Although not a Peel girl by birth, she moved to Peel after her marriage to Peel man Bill to whom she has now been married for 25 years and ‘Gale Force’ was born and its roots firmly planted in the West.

They rehearse weekly at St.John’s Methodist Hall, a superb venue with all the facilities they could need for all times of the year.

The main aims were from the first week, and still are, to provide students with increased confidence and tuition in choral speaking, movement, song and verse speaking, all vital ingredients for a place in today’s modern theatre. Through all these sections of the curriculum the students learn the art of self-expression, the importance of teamwork through working with others of all ages, from all areas of the Island. Their confidence is increased ready to perform as a soloist or part of a group to the best available standard, providing them with a platform not always available on the school timetable.

They are also taught to respond to the strict discipline always insisted upon by Mrs Gale from day one! They must also demonstrate good manners at all times and how to present themselves and their work in a truly professional manner no matter what the occasion.

Much of the music performed by Gale Force is adapted especially for entertainment and competition purposes and they have a wide repertoire of music both popular and traditional particularly Manx music, as well as music covering written from the turn of the century to the modern day.

‘We have even written our own music and lyrics to meet the needs of our students. Whilst we aspire to be a professional group we do not adopt the formality of choirs expected in schools.’

Gale Force is exclusive in that it only accepts 40 students during each term ensuring that each child receives the full attention of the tutors on all occasions. Places are highly sought after and once each term is full other students must be prepared to wait! There is always a waiting list.

In February 1989, eleven students arrived. By our tenth Birthday in February 1999 there were forty one on the register with a waiting list of fourteen and now as we approach our 20th Birthday we have 43 students with a waiting list of 20 and many of our former students now return during the term to help instruct other younger students.

Students are also taught Privately on a one-to-one basis where they are tutored for a wide range of examinations both in Drama and Performance, together with Bible Reading, Verse Speaking, Public Speaking and perform both in local Concerts and in examination mode helping all the young people promote their achieve self-enrichment, stimulate their research skills, develop imagination, creativity and new cultures.

Since its formation in 1989 to the present day well over 1000 students have passed solo examinations in all manner of subjects and not one student has ever failed, a record of which Mrs Gale is extremely proud!

Several of her present young performers have been prepared for auditions in all aspects of the Theatre and for Film roles too and in 2008 she had 69 passes in the examinations with 29 Distnctions and 14 Merits! Also in this years Manx Music Festival the ‘Force’ achieved over 14 first prizes for music and drama with 4 pupils selected to sing in the Sheffield Plate, the young people’s ‘cleveland medal’ the first time one teacher has had so many finalists in one year!


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